Publication of images is to show a range of possible outcomes from surgery and to help enable future patients in making their own informed decision about whether to consider cosmetic surgery.
This 64 year old patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction (BBR) removing 950 grammes of tissue from the right breast and 1075 grammes of tissue from the slightly larger right breast. The results are shown at six weeks. At this stage there is still a little bit of swelling in the nipple areola complex and this generally resolves within a few months. Over time the scars will also fade from red to white as the healing process continues and the scars mature.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction (BBR) removing 770 grammes from the right breast and 775 grammes from the left breast The results are shown are at six weeks. This has reduced her cup size from a 34 GG to a 34 DD. Breast reduction surgery is usually associated with a very high level of patient satisfaction. Of course it is a major procedure and there are a number of risks and benefits that need to be discussed prior to surgery. This information can also be found on links from my website.
This 56 year old patient underwent bilateral breast reduction removing one point 1.15 Kg from the right breast and 1.1 Kg from the left breast. These results are shown 7 weeks following surgery. There will still be some fading of the scars which will take place over the next 6 to 12 months. The operation to reduce the breast was performed using a superior medial pedicle with an anchor or T scar pattern of skin removal.
This 71 year old lady underwent a bilateral breast reduction and because she had considerable ptosis (droop) of her breasts she underwent a free nipple graft technique. The results are shown at seven weeks post op. The scars are still a little red but should now fade to a pale colour the next 6 to 12 months and the areolar pigment will return to normal. With this technique it is difficult to preserve much projection of the nipple but can be very useful when the patient desires a small breast, and the breasts are very heavy and low before surgery. 1.2 kilogrammes of breast tissue was removed from each side.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction removing 902g from the right breast and 760 g from the left. There is often a some assymetry with large breasts and if exactly the same amount is taken off each side this difference may be more obvious. In the out patient consultation I will try to estimate the difference in volume so this can be corrected for, this although this is not always completely effective. The results are shown seven weeks following surgery.
Over the next 6 to 12 months the scars should fade to a white colour although some patients do xperience problems with hypertrophic, or thickened, scarring and this is something to be aware of particularly if you have a history of poor scar healing. Patients are very happy with the overall improvement in all areas of their daily living following a breast reduction procedure.
This 55 year old patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction reducing her from a 40 E cup to 38 B. Sometimes the bra chest width can be reduced with liposuction by removing some of the fatty excess tissue under the arms beyond the edge of the breast tissue. 200 mils of liposuction was performed at the lateral edge of each breast combined with a breast reduction of 816 grammes on the right and 762 grammes on the left. It is unusual for the breast to be exactly the same either before or after the operation.
During the procedure, and in the clinic beforehand, I aim to estimate any difference between the breasts to try and reduce the differences although this is not always successful and some differences in the volume may still be there for the operation. If one breast is clearly bigger than the other it is important to remove a little more tissue from this side otherwise the difference in volume may be even greater in percentage terms if equal amounts are removed from both. With breast augmentation the opposite is true as increasing the volume often evens out any slight differences between the two sides as the breasts are now bigger and proportionately the difference is less. Including the liposuction volume nearly one kilogramme has been removed from each side.
These results are shown three months following surgery.
This 44 year old patient underwent a breast reduction removing 880g , approximately 2 lbs, From each breast the results are shown six weeks after surgery. The scars are still quite red and active and can be expected to fade over the next 6 to 12 months. This was using a superior-medial technique with an inverted T or anchor scar.
This 71 year old lady underwent a bilateral breast reduction and because she had considerable ptosis (droop) of her breasts she underwent a free nipple graft technique. The results are shown at seven weeks post op. The scars are still a little red but should now fade to a pale colour the next 6 to 12 months and the areolar pigment will return to normal. With this technique it is difficult to preserve much projection of the nipple but can be very useful when the patient desires a small breast, and the breasts are very heavy and low before surgery. 1.2 kilogrammes of breast tissue was removed from each side.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction removing 1.8 kg from the right and 1.25kg from the left breast. This is about the limit for a superior medial technique and if there is much more volume to be removed then sometimes a free nipple graft may be needed for this type of resection. These are the early results shown at six weeks post op.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction using a T scar incision with a superior medial technique. This involved removing 670 grammes from the right breast and 785 grammes from the slightly larger left breast. She was previously a 36 GG cup bra size and now is a 36C cup.
This patient underwent a very large breast reduction removing 2.5 kilogrammes of breast tissue from each side. Because of the extremely large volume of breast tissue that needed to be removed a free nipple graft technique was used to move the nipples into the new position. This is sometimes required with such a large reduction and as you can see from the photographs the nipple tends to be a little bit flatter and smaller as it has been moved as a skin graft onto the new breast.
This lady underwent a bilateral breast reduction removing 625 grammes from the right breast and 616 grammes from the left in addition she also underwent liposuction to the lateral side of the chest to try and reduce some fatty access in this area, above and under the bra straps which may have been more noticeable particularly after the breasts had been reduced to a C cup.
Results shown are six weeks post operatively.
Supero-medial bilateral breast reduction. This was a modest 280g reduction from each side. Results are shown at 6 weeks.
Bilateral breast reduction removing 694g from the right breast and 681g from the left breast using a superior-medial wise pattern (T Scar technique). The results shown are 6 weeks following surgery.
This lady underwent a bilateral breast reduction removing 281 grams of tissue from the right breast and 254 grams from the left breast which was a little bit smaller to try an even out the mild asymmetry. The results are shown at 5 weeks following surgery and the redness in the scars can now be expected to fade over the next 12 months. With this type of breast reduction the results are a combination of a breast uplift or mastopexy and modest reduction.
This 70 year old lady underwent a bilateral breast reduction and the results shown are at 3 months.
669g of breast tissue was removed from the right breast and 50 g from the left breast to reduce the difference in size between the breasts. Breast reduction surgery can be a very effective operation in young women but also in older women and if you are fit and healthy, with no other risk factors, then age should not be a barrier to surgery. Breast reduction surgery can produce a physical and psychological benefit in many patients. Weight is removed from the breast and the nipple position is elevated. Predicting the exact bra size can be difficult but generally between a C and a D cup can be achieved depending on the pre-operative chest and breast size.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction procedure and the results shown are at 6 weeks. The scars are at their most red at this stage and will now fade over the coming months. Approximately 1.3kg of tissue was removed from each breast (about 3 lb) to achieve this result using a T scar technique and a superior breast pedicle was used to keep the nipple and areolar well perfused during the healing period.
It is important not to smoke for several weeks before and after this procedure as this helps maintain the blood supply to the skin and especially the nipple during the healing period. Any planned weight loss is also best completed before surgery to avoid further drop of the breast after surgery which can occur with further weight loss. A few pounds of fluctuation in weigh up or down however will make very little difference and is not a problem around the time of surgery.
Breast reduction procedures can be associated with a high level of patient satisfaction.