Publication of images is to show a range of possible outcomes from surgery and to help enable future patients in making their own informed decision about whether to consider cosmetic surgery.
This 39 year old patient underwent a sub glandular breast augmentation using high profile round textured Mentor implants THPX 365. The results are shown six weeks following surgery
This patient underwent sub-glandular breast augmentation (on top of the muscle) because she did not wish to weaken the pectoral muscle with a sub-muscular placement. A moderate plus profile implant was chosen as she didn't wish to go to large and so the breast base could accommodate the 270 cc moderate plus profile implant. This tends to give a more natural look than a higher profile implant avoiding the risk of rotation associated with an anatomical implant. It also gives a little more fullness in the upper breast compared to the teardrop shaped implants.
The results are shown at 6 weeks.
This patient underwent an initial breast uplift followed by a second stage breast augmentation six months later with round high profile Mentor implants THPX 325 cc.
Augmentation mastopexy is a complex operation and in my opinion is best performed as a two-stage procedure to achieve more reliable results. It allows the breast scars to heal before being stretched by the additional volume from the implant. It also allows for more accurate decision making as to the exact implant size and dimensions as these can be evaluated after the first procedure.
This 26 year old patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation using round high profile sub glandular implants. However because there was some difference in the breast volume a larger implant was used on the smaller side. This can be a useful technique to adjust the breast volume where the breasts are slightly different sizes. The results shown are six weeks following surgery.
This 30-year-old patient underwent a sub glandular placement of her 375 mls tear-dropped or anatomical shaped implants to improve her overall breast shape and increase the volume. With a sub glandular placement of the implant the recovery can be slightly quicker as less muscle is damaged and it can also be less uncomfortable.
A sub glandular placement avoids damaging any of the pectoral muscles which can be useful particularly with exercise. However there is a risk of rotation with a teardrop shaped implant of approximately 5 to 10% after three years but this is not always symptomatic or noticeable. However the potential for further surgery and cost in the future if there is a problem with the orientation of this type of implant needs to be considered when deciding which type of breast augmentation you would like.
This 32 year old patient underwent an augmentation mastopexy using my preferred two stage approach. Initially the mastopexy is undertaken and then after 6 to 12 months ideally (but sometimes this can be a little sooner) a sub-glandular breast augmentation is performed.
A two stage operation allows for a much more accurate implant selection as this is based on the elevated breast dimensions. it also allows the patient to decide whether they wish to undergo the augmentation after they have seen the results of the uplift and how a large an implant they would like. I consider this to be much safer than a one stage operation which can compromise skin and nipple blood supply because the skin is elevated from the breast and then the breast is lifted up either under the gland or under the muscle to place the implant.
This two-stage approach allows time for the mastopexy wounds to all heal before putting the scars under pressure with the implant. The photographs show before the mastopexy and then the intermediate results before the breast augmentation.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast augmentation using a Mentor Xtra cohesive gel round high profile implants- THPX 455.
The results shown are at six weeks after surgery. A round high profile implant produces more projection in the upper part of the breast but it is important to bear in mind how much soft tissue coverage there is so that the edge of the implant so is not palpable or visible, especially in very slim patients with small breasts before surgery. This patient is ideally suited to a sub-glandular position as this avoids damaging any of the pectoral muscle which can be important, particularly for sporting activities and upper body strength.
This 35 year old patient underwent a bilateral breast augmentation using a teardrop or anatomical shaped implant of 515 mils. The result shown are at one year following surgery.
Teardrop shaped breast implants can give the breast a very natural look, with less volume in the upper part of the breast to achieves this natural appearance and puts more volume behind the areola which can help lift the breast and nipple particularly if the breast is a little droopy.
The risk with these implants is there is a chance that they may rotate in the years to come, and this may require further surgery and cost to correct. If this happens generally replacing with a round implant is the safest and simplest option to correct this. However the risk of this happening should be less than 5 -10% at three years.
This patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation using the dual plane or sub-muscular technique because of the relatively thin upper breast volume. The results here are shown at six weeks, as is the scar used to insert the implant. When using this technique because the edge of the muscle limits how close together the implants can sit together in the midline cleavage area, if there is a relatively wider distance between the breasts then this will look similar after surgery. It is important not to release too much muscle when inserting the implant as this can also be unsightly leading to visible changes within the medial edge of the breast breast when the muscle moves in day-to-day activities.
With a dual plane technique the upper part of the implant lies under the petrol muscle, which helps disguise the upper edge of the implant but still allows fullness in the upper breast, and the lower part of the implant sits under the breast gland where there is usually enough soft tissue to cover the implant.
This patient underwent a BBA with moderate height high profile Nagor implants (XM3-335). Now placed in the sub glandular position on top of the muscle. Results are shown at six weeks.
This patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation using a high profile Mentor round implant placed on top of the pectoral muscle ie. in the sub-glandular position. As you can see from the pre-operative photographs there is a degree of breast asymmetry and this has been corrected to some extent by the implant. This is mainly due to different amounts of skin in each breast although the volume is similar. It is much less noticeable with a larger breast volume after augmentation.
Breast implants can be used to try and correct breast and chest wall asymmetry and as part of your consultation I will review which might be the best size shape and profile of implant to achieve the most symmetrical result. This also depends on your aesthetic goals from surgery. The choice of implant can vary significantly from patient to patient and there are many different sizes and shapes or profiles to suit different patient’s needs.
These results are shown six weeks following surgery.
This lady underwent bilateral breast augmentation using a tear-drop shaped or anatomical implants These anatomical implants have been placed in a sub-glandular position ie. they have been placed under the gland of the breast on top of the muscle to avoid damaging any of the pectoral (chest) muscle.
The result shown are at two months after surgery.
This patient also has a degree of tuberous breast appearance which means that the breast has a narrow base and during the procedure this was released to try and allow the lower pole of the implant to expand and increase the distance between the nipple on the inframammary fold (fold under the breast). There is a small risk of rotation with a teardrop shaped implant, but this can achieve a much more natural appearance of the breast particularly in the upper pole and this puts more projection directly behind the nipple rather than higher up in the breast as with a round implant.
This 36 year-old patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation using high profile textured Mentor silicone implants. The advantages of placing the implant on top of the muscle is that it avoids any muscle damage and this is the normal anatomical position for the breast. Sometimes however the muscle will be used to cover the upper part of the implant particularly if there isn’t enough breast and subcutaneous tissue on the chest wall. Although more complicated and therefore expensive it is also possible to increase the amount of fat on the chest wall by performing some lipofilling or fat transfer which can also help disguise the upper pole of the implant in slim patients who don’t wish to have a sub-muscular (dual plane) augmentation.
The results shown are six weeks following surgery.
This patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation using 455CC implants she has gone from a bra size of 34 B cup to a bra size of 36 DD. Dual plane breast augmentation places the upper part of the implant under the muscle and the lower half behind the gland. It is a useful technique when the breast tissue is quite thin in the upper part of the breast. The results are shown at 6 weeks after surgery.
This patient had Mentor Memory Gel Extra breast implants 365 cc in a sub-muscular dual plane placement. This is a high profile round implant placed under the muscle to reduce the visibility of the upper pole of the implant.
After having two children this 31 year old patient underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 405 cc sub-glandular (on top of the muscle) Nagor implants. Nagor XF3 405. Tear drop shaped or anatomical implants can help with lifting the lower breast and nipple into a more natural shape without the need for as large an implant as would be needed using a round implant. There is a risk of rotation with a tear drop shaped implant but I think that this is reduced when placing the implant on top of the muscle which can achieve a very natural breast shape. It is usually less painful and a quicker recovery with sub-glandular implants as there is no need to divide any of the pectoral (chest) muscles during the procedure and the implant sits just behind the natural breast tissue.