Breast Reduction

A breast reduction procedure will reduce the size and reshape very large breasts making them more in proportion to the body’s natural size, and importantly more comfortable.
David Oliver Exeter Cosmetic Surgery for breast, body and face

Women can experience a variety of medical problems associated with large breasts as well as difficultly with sports, finding suitable clothing or day to day self-consciousness.

Breast reduction surgery can help with neck and back ache, bra straps digging in to the shoulders or skin problems under the breast. It is a procedure that is suitable for many women who feel their breasts are too large for them.

Breast reduction surgery remains one of the most popular requests in the south-west. Many patients are inconvenienced by the sheer weight of their breasts and when this is reduced the impact on the activities of daily living can be considerable. In my opinion this procedure is associated with the most positive patient feedback of all the operations available.

The most common comment after surgery is "I wish I'd done it sooner".

Mr Oliver is an expert in this procedure and is performed the operation many hundreds of times. The operation takes approximately two hours sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less depending on the complexity and size of the breasts. Whilst day case surgery is possible, and patients can choose this option, most patients choose to stay overnight in the excellent inpatient facilities, with highly experienced nursing staff, that Ramsay hospitals provide.

Recovery can be relatively quick, and as there is no muscle that is damaged during the operation this usually means that patients can start to mobilise again quite quickly after the procedure. If there are no problems with wound healing then most wounds will be healed quite nicely by two weeks and patients should have returned to most other activities by four weeks and be back to all activities within six weeks of surgery. Many patients reach these goals even sooner.

Please review some of the images of breast reduction surgery which is suitable for all types of patients who experience pain and discomfort with heavy breasts. There is a very wide age range for this procedure and as long as you are medically fit there is no upper limit on the age at which this procedure can be safely undertaken. More elderly patients will be assessed by an experienced anaesthetist to make sure there are no additional risks for the surgery.

If you are considering breast reduction surgery then this can be provided for you with the highest standards of care with Mr Oliver and Ramsay Healthcare.

2020 FEB - Bilateral Breast reduction post surgery front result David Oliver Exeter

Breast reduction surgical results

Take a look at Mr Oliver’s breast reduction before & after results from his patients throughout Devon & Guernsey.

View before & after results

Further breast reduction surgery information:

Breast Reduction EIDO Healthcare Information

Breast Reduction with David Oliver Cosmetic Surgery - Ramsay Health Information Leaflet

BAPRAS Breast Reduction Advice

BAPRAS Breast Reduction website patient guidance David Oliver Cosmetic Surgeon

BAAPS Breast Reduction Advice

BAAPS Breast Reduction website patient guidance David Oliver

David Oliver Cosmetic Surgeon in Exeter, Devon

Book your consultation with Mr David Oliver

Call us or use our online form to book a cosmetic surgery consultation in Exeter or Torquay.
Call Tracey on 01392 982203Get in touch online